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Example: Waiving and Disabling Rules⚓︎

With Regula, you can waive a rule for one or more specific resources, resource types, or even entire files. You can also disable a rule altogether so it isn't applied to any resource.

Just as you'd declare the resource itself in IaC, you can declare the waiver or disabled rule using Rego policy as code (and it's easy, too!).

In this example, we'll show you how.


We're going to run Regula on some sample IaC in our regula-ci-example repo.

If you completed the Getting Started tutorial and already cloned the example IaC, you can skip to the next section.

  1. Install Regula.

  2. Clone the sample infrastructure repo:

    git clone
  3. Move into the regula-ci-example directory:

    cd regula-ci-example

Running Regula without the config file⚓︎

We'll start by running Regula without the config file.

We'll be running Regula on the regula-ci-example/infra_tf Terraform project, and checking it against the Regula rule library and an example custom rule.

Make sure you're in the regula-ci-example directory and run this command:

regula run -f json --include example_custom_rule infra_tf

We see this output (edited for length):

  "rule_results": [
      "controls": [
      "families": [
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_allow_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "Per company policy, it is required for all IAM policies to have a description of at least 25 characters.",
      "rule_id": "CUSTOM_0001",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "long_description",
      "rule_raw_result": false,
      "rule_result": "FAIL",
      "rule_severity": "Low",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies must have a description of at least 25 characters",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 6,
          "column": 1
      "controls": [
      "families": [
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_deny_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "Per company policy, it is required for all IAM policies to have a description of at least 25 characters.",
      "rule_id": "CUSTOM_0001",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "long_description",
      "rule_raw_result": true,
      "rule_result": "PASS",
      "rule_severity": "Low",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies must have a description of at least 25 characters",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 25,
          "column": 1
      "controls": [
      "families": [
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_allow_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "IAM policies should not have full \"*:*\" administrative privileges. IAM policies should start with a minimum set of permissions and include more as needed rather than starting with full administrative privileges. Providing full administrative privileges when unnecessary exposes resources to potentially unwanted actions.",
      "rule_id": "FG_R00092",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "tf_aws_iam_admin_policy",
      "rule_raw_result": false,
      "rule_remediation_doc": "",
      "rule_result": "FAIL",
      "rule_severity": "High",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies should not have full \"*:*\" administrative privileges",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 6,
          "column": 1
      "controls": [
      "families": [
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_deny_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "IAM policies should not have full \"*:*\" administrative privileges. IAM policies should start with a minimum set of permissions and include more as needed rather than starting with full administrative privileges. Providing full administrative privileges when unnecessary exposes resources to potentially unwanted actions.",
      "rule_id": "FG_R00092",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "tf_aws_iam_admin_policy",
      "rule_raw_result": true,
      "rule_remediation_doc": "",
      "rule_result": "PASS",
      "rule_severity": "High",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies should not have full \"*:*\" administrative privileges",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 25,
          "column": 1
    <cut for length>
  "summary": {
    "filepaths": [
    "rule_results": {
      "FAIL": 2,
      "PASS": 6,
      "WAIVED": 0
    "severities": {
      "Critical": 0,
      "High": 1,
      "Informational": 0,
      "Low": 1,
      "Medium": 0,
      "Unknown": 0

See how there are 2 FAIL results? One of these is for the resource aws_iam_policy.basically_allow_all, an IAM policy that has a very short description, which failed the rule long_description ("IAM policies must have a description of at least 25 characters").

Let's say we want to make an exception for this resource. We're going to waive the rule result!

Writing the configuration file⚓︎

Copy the configuration below into a file named config.rego in the root of the regula-ci-example directory:

package fugue.regula.config

waivers[waiver] {
  waiver := {
    "rule_name": "long_description",
    "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_allow_all"

Let's dissect the config.

The package name must always be fugue.regula.config, so we start with that.

Then, to create a waiver, we declare a waivers set and add a waiver object to it. There are many ways to configure a rule waiver, but in this case we're going to specify a rule_name (which is the package name minus the rules. part) and a resource_id.

This configuration will waive the rule long_description for the resource aws_iam_policy.basically_allow_all.

Running Regula with the config file⚓︎

Now, let's run Regula again. The command is identical to the previous one, but adds the config file: --include config.rego

Here's the full command:

regula run -f json --include example_custom_rule --include config.rego infra_tf

We see this output (which we've edited for length):

  "rule_results": [
      "controls": [
      "families": [
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_allow_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "Per company policy, it is required for all IAM policies to have a description of at least 25 characters.",
      "rule_id": "CUSTOM_0001",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "long_description",
      "rule_raw_result": false,
      "rule_result": "WAIVED",
      "rule_severity": "Low",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies must have a description of at least 25 characters",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 6,
          "column": 1
      "controls": [
      "families": [
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_deny_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "Per company policy, it is required for all IAM policies to have a description of at least 25 characters.",
      "rule_id": "CUSTOM_0001",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "long_description",
      "rule_raw_result": true,
      "rule_result": "PASS",
      "rule_severity": "Low",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies must have a description of at least 25 characters",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 25,
          "column": 1
      "controls": [
      "families": [
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_allow_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "IAM policies should not have full \"*:*\" administrative privileges. IAM policies should start with a minimum set of permissions and include more as needed rather than starting with full administrative privileges. Providing full administrative privileges when unnecessary exposes resources to potentially unwanted actions.",
      "rule_id": "FG_R00092",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "tf_aws_iam_admin_policy",
      "rule_raw_result": false,
      "rule_remediation_doc": "",
      "rule_result": "FAIL",
      "rule_severity": "High",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies should not have full \"*:*\" administrative privileges",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 6,
          "column": 1
      "controls": [
      "families": [
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_deny_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "IAM policies should not have full \"*:*\" administrative privileges. IAM policies should start with a minimum set of permissions and include more as needed rather than starting with full administrative privileges. Providing full administrative privileges when unnecessary exposes resources to potentially unwanted actions.",
      "rule_id": "FG_R00092",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "tf_aws_iam_admin_policy",
      "rule_raw_result": true,
      "rule_remediation_doc": "",
      "rule_result": "PASS",
      "rule_severity": "High",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies should not have full \"*:*\" administrative privileges",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 25,
          "column": 1
    <cut for length>
  "summary": {
    "filepaths": [
    "rule_results": {
      "FAIL": 1,
      "PASS": 6,
      "WAIVED": 1
    "severities": {
      "Critical": 0,
      "High": 1,
      "Informational": 0,
      "Low": 0,
      "Medium": 0,
      "Unknown": 0

This time, there are 1 FAIL, 6 PASS, and 1 WAIVED rule results! You can see in the output that the rule_result value is WAIVED for the rule long_description and resource aws_iam_policy.basically_allow_all.

Hooray! You've just configured Regula to waive a rule result for a resource. Your next mission: disabling a rule!

Disabling a rule⚓︎

For demonstrative purposes, let's disable the rule tf_aws_iam_admin_policy ("IAM policies should not have full "*:*" administrative privileges"). We've decided that we don't want Regula to run this rule at all.

Add the following chunk to the end of config.rego:

rules[rule] {
  rule := {
    "rule_name": "tf_aws_iam_admin_policy",
    "status": "DISABLED"

Run the same command we ran a moment ago:

regula run -f json --include example_custom_rule --include config.rego infra_tf

We'll see this output (again, edited for length):

  "rule_results": [
      "controls": [
      "families": [
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_allow_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "Per company policy, it is required for all IAM policies to have a description of at least 25 characters.",
      "rule_id": "CUSTOM_0001",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "long_description",
      "rule_raw_result": false,
      "rule_result": "WAIVED",
      "rule_severity": "Low",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies must have a description of at least 25 characters",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 6,
          "column": 1
      "controls": [
      "families": [
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_deny_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "Per company policy, it is required for all IAM policies to have a description of at least 25 characters.",
      "rule_id": "CUSTOM_0001",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "long_description",
      "rule_raw_result": true,
      "rule_result": "PASS",
      "rule_severity": "Low",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies must have a description of at least 25 characters",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 25,
          "column": 1
    <cut for length>
  "summary": {
    "filepaths": [
    "rule_results": {
      "FAIL": 0,
      "PASS": 5,
      "WAIVED": 1
    "severities": {
      "Critical": 0,
      "High": 0,
      "Informational": 0,
      "Low": 0,
      "Medium": 0,
      "Unknown": 0

Now there are just 6 rule results: 5 PASS and 1 WAIVED. As you can see, the rule tf_aws_iam_admin_policy was totally ignored.

Nice job! You just configured Regula to disable a rule.

What's next?⚓︎

Congratulations on finishing this example! 🎉 To read more about waivers and disabling rules, see Configuring Regula. Or, see our example for writing a rule.